How To Use Google Plus for Local Business

Posted: February 27, 2014 in Uncategorized
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– Search Engine Optimization training and strategies that work.

I get asked by local business owners all the time “How can I use Google Plus to market my business?”

After answering this question a couple dozen times, I decided to create a training video on how to do this.

In this video, I show how to:

1. Locate G+ users based on geography, industry, or both.
2. Add people and businesses to custom circles.
3. Begin sharing valuable content to those circles.
4. Watch as people begin to add you back.
5. Gently pull them into your sales funnel.

The process I outline works every time and for any business. It doesn’t happen overnight, but you can expect to see results within 30 days if you stay consistent.

Once you’ve built your targeted circle base up, you’ll have a very specific audience at your fingertips. If done properly, you will have built rapport and be considered an authority for always sharing valuable resources.

This is when you can begin to introduce your products and/or services. Subtle calls to action work very well, such as “for more information come visit my website” or “we’re running a sale this weekend and you can find out more on our website”.

This way you’re not asking directly for the sale or appointment, but instead your providing additional information about what they’ve already proven to be interested in.

I have landed several marketing clients using this method and have helped some of my clients get similar results in their respective industries.

For more How To SEO training videos, subscribe to my YouTube channel:

Bradley Benner

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